Visual Content Composer

Drag’n’drop content parts across your page with a handy visual Content Composer, as well as easily edit their appearance, insert featured blocks, sliders, tables, various media etc. with one click. Create your custom pre-saved layout templates to use them over and over again. It is intuitive to use even for an amateur.

Shortcodes and widgets

Cmsmasters' Custom WordPress theme admin panel includes a Super Extended Shortcodes pack for sophisticated content formatting and improved presentation. A wide collection of useful widgets allow you to improve your website’s interaction with visitors, bringing its functionality to a new level.

2 Slider Plugins Inside

Our themes come with two really popular slider plugins - a Layer Slider and a Revolution Slider, already styled to fit the theme design perfectly . Create multiple sliders with an unlimited amount of animated slides and locate them anywhere on any page of your website.  

Innovation 98%
Quality 88%
Customization 75%
Design 90%
Support 85%

Our Team

Jack Simmons

Chief Designer

Wordpress themes we create possess a special merit for both professional users and amateurs: an experienced developer will see a valid code, that corresponds the most contemporary requirements, clean structure and advanced security, while an amateur will enjoy super intuitive customization, provided by a visual  content composer and a real-time theme customizer.

Karen Dawson

SEO Specialist

Every member of our team has spent many hours polishing professional skills and earning a unique experience in the spheres of website design,  wordpress development, technical support etc. We enjoy  the process of creating a theme from its start to its end - from a sparkling design idea, all the way through coding, programming, testing, to the very release.

Michael Linden

Chief Developer

We don’t just produce wordpress themes. We give life to whole microcosms, where beautiful designs are powered by immense functionality. We consider our work to be successfully done not when the next product is released for sale, but when our customers share their great user experience and showcase the beautiful websites they have managed to create with our themes.

"Me formé en la Especialidad de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva en la División de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital General de Agudos José María Ramos Mejía de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde ingresé como residente por concurso luego de haber obtenido el primer puesto en el Ranking de Municipalidad."
Our Projects